Wednesday, December 17, 2008

mid term

I can write to you while I'm giving Mid Terms here at Overton. It's so wonderful to be somewhere where the students really want to learn and are interested in what they're doing. The birth we dealt with the other day was not in the performing arts building, I'm proud to say. I've been updating my LinkedIn page, so check that out-I've actually got a little poll going which you can particiapate in.



Friday, December 12, 2008

am i really getting THAT old?

Hello again...I'm at Overton again today and what a surprise yesterday when the word began to spread (pardon the pun) that a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD girl had her water break in the classroom and needed some assistance. An all call was put out for the nurse and an ambulance arrived quickly, rushing her to St Francis, I assume. I don't know the outcome-I've asked but noone seems to know.

The pending birth was discovered by a classmate who cried out, "oooh, you just peed on my shoe!"...........

So, the question is....

Have I blocked out the memory of this happening when I was fourteen? Fifteen? Sixteen?

When I was seventeen, I had a fifteen-year-old girlfriend. She had a friend who left school a few weeks early because her family had an "emergency" out of town. I graduated, but my girlfriend began to hear over the summer that her friend had gotten pregnant and the parents had taken her out so the pregnancy could be kept quiet and she gave up the baby. She came back in the fall and denied it through to the end of her senior year. That was the only instance I knew of like that-maybe there was more.

These students I'm encountering are proud of the fact that they're pregnant.

Am I really getting THAT old?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

oh the weather outside is...

I haven't had a chance to post in a while. I'm back at Overton and have had a few performances since last I wrote. Two more Greatest Generation concerts, one in Covington, one in West Memphis. The venues are always interesting. In Covington, the theatre was an old vaudeville place, and the producers were clearly hanging on for their dear lives. No heat to speak of, and a run-down feel to the building-but so much potential. Probably 300 seats, of which MAYBE 100 were filled. A great show, which once again would have been even better with the house respectably filled.

In West Memphis we had an even bigger house with even fewer seats filled. No more needs to be said except that we had a nice time at Blue Monkey afterwards. I love the Vocal Arts and hope something can be worked out so it can continue-and I can continue with it.

Had a gig with Deb last night at Memphis Country Club and that went well. We actually have two such concerts on Saturday and one on Sunday-sandwiched in between all that, a MESSIAH at Germantown Presbyterian.

God bless us all, everyone.