Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Just a short thought on the Sovereignty of God.  I have endured great loss here in the last week as my friend's daughter committed suicide.  I pray for him constantly as he processes-or tries to process this unbelievable pain.  He searches for answers that aren't there. 

Yet somehow this was ordained?  God can receive glory out of this?  Yes and yes, I must tell myself.  God is either in control or this world is spinning out of control-we're just hoping that gravity will hold us in place.  This needless death is somehow in God's ultimate plan.  I do not even begin to understand it.  I do not even begin to believe that this has happened sometimes.  But I do believe that God is real-that he ministers and is ministering to my friend and all his other little girls. 

I've already seen how this unthinkable act has drawn those of us who know the family closer, and has drawn the family itself closer.  By this I mean that this incident has done what I've read so much about in Reformed theology-it has caused us to lean on Him even more.  God is the only one who can get us through this, and by that revelation I conclude that there was a purpose to her leaving us-to force us to suddenly say to ourselves, "we haven't given you enough glory, Lord-we haven't praised you enough, we haven't realized how hopeless we are without You."

We need you, Lord, because you are Sovereign.  We need you to intervene and may be henceforth ever mindful that without your Grace, we are a hopeless case.

Praise the Name above all Names, the Name of the Lord.

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011