Friday, September 18, 2009


That's where are in history today. The French Revolution, the first Congress, Jefferson in Paris-they seem to be getting it. I'm actually having fun doing Richard's class.

Tomorrow night, by the way, is the final Memphis Vocal Arts Performance. It's gonna be weird to see it go-Tom has put so much into it. The last year, though, they couldn't pay me and therefore I didn't do all the shows. So I guess it's been a gradual process of letting go.

I think MVAE will return as a completely volunteer organization. That's my gut feeling.

Come see us tomorrow night if you can at St. John's Episcopal-7 30 pm...


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lord, I'm glad I was not born a gamblin' man....

Tennessee is not doing well in football. Memphis is not doing well in football (but what 's new?). Ohio State lost to USC. Not a good Saturday for me in sports last week.

I'm just sayin...


Thursday, September 3, 2009

holding em back...

I'm at Brownsville Road today, an elementary school to which I enjoy coming. I've already encountered so many ways in which the students are "held back", but not by teachers wanting to fail them.

For those of you outside Memphis, there's been a ruling lately that a student cannot fail from Kindergarten through third grade. Astonishing as that may be to some of you, the feeling is that it is more detrimental to hold a student back than let them continue to the next grade at this tender age.

When questioned about it, the administration says that even if the student does not come to school, they will be sent on. They'll run into some truency issues, but they will be passed on.

I see these little folks and my observation is this-They are DESPERATE for someone to push them-to make them, if necessary, complete their work and have the watermark experience of a learning revelation. The smile on their faces when they "get it" is worth everything else one puts up with to get them there.

These students are being held back by parents who don't care and adults who don't care. We should care and we should hold them back if need be-but push them forward as well.

Monday, July 13, 2009

If you'd to follow my radio station WSLW on pandora, click on this link...." />

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

death and transfiguration

I'm writing today to ponder the loss of one's parents. A friend of mine who says he is an atheist, has lost his father. He is dealing with many things, and I would surmise most importantly, the notion or thought that he will never see his father again, following his line of thinking.

That's a terrible thought when I consider my mom being dead for twenty-four years now and my dad being gone twenty years. It would be even worse to visit their grave and think I would never see them again. I am thankful for the faith that gives me hope that I will see them. My mother will not be in a wheelchair. My friend's father will be able to breathe comfortably and restored to new life, I believe, because I believe he was a Christian. My father will be his old robust self, renewed to life eternal in a new body, ready to worship our Lord.

If there is no hope, we are of all men most miserable. Thanks be to God for that hope. I lift up my friend's family, and especially my friend without Christ, in this their hour of need.

Monday, May 11, 2009

go morgan!

Yesterday afternoon, I had the wonderful privilege of watching Morgan Beckford sing at the Germantown Performing Arts Center. She did a great job, and she had quite a following...Mayor Wharton, the Board of Opera Memphis, Michael Ching, Steve Carey, and just about every doctor in Memphis. There were lights, spotlights, cameras, and action at every turn and she deserves it. Go Morgan!

Friday, March 27, 2009

go tigers go?

We couldn't quite go enough last night, and my Tigers went down, with the help of some questionable non-calls, to Mizzou.  I've been having a running facebook dialogue with the composer of Mendel and Moses, Jeremiah Ginsberg, who happens to be a UConn grad.  We'll see what happens Saturday when Mizzou tries to impose its pressing will on the Huskies.  I'll be rooting for the Tigers still, just the Missouri kind...

Friday, March 13, 2009

all i can say is....

It's March Madness!!!!!!!

If you stayed up last night to see history made between Syracuse and Connecticut, you know that this is what makes college basketball like no other sport.  Anyone, at any time, can rise above themselves to challenge the Titan of the day and send him to defeat.  What a game, what a month, what a be alive!



hoops hoops and more hoops

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So here we are, entering a new era. We anticipate good things, hoping for equality, justice, maybe even the American way.

As I watched the inauguration of President Obama here at White Station Middle School, I was so disappointed to hear a teacher cry out as he finished the oath of office, " No more Bush!" This was met with thunderous applause from the students, all of whom seem to already be staunch Democrats at the ages of 11 to 14, roughly.

How have we started a new era of tolerance if this is the gut reaction of a Teacher in front of an entire assembly full of students?